house icon


Water conservation starts with upgrading systems at home! Visit the websites of the cities of Moscow and Pullman for more information on their rebate programs!



Rural citizens should also be mindful of their water consumption as they use the same aquifer system as the cities. Contact PBAC for water saving devices!

Asset 19


Contact your UI or WSU student involvement office to learn how you can volunteer to help get the word out about water conservation!

Business icon


Our local businesses are dedicated to water conservation practices too! Ask your favorite businesses what efforts they make to conserve!

Palouse Basin Water Summit logo, which is a circle with a light blue top half with the words "Palouse Basin" and the bottom half separated in two with a dark blue side with a white wheat silhoutte, and a gray side with water waves and a blue water drop.

Palouse Basin Water Summit

The Palouse Basin Water Summit is an annual community event meant to spark conversation and provide a better understanding and awareness of our region's water use and supply

For more information, visit the Palouse Basin Water Summit website

Stakeholder Engagement Group

The SEG's Mission:

The mission of the SEG is to provide input to PBAC through dialogue among a broad range of interested parties focusing mainly on the four water supply alternatives and associated engineering and environmental evaluations and analyses, research activities, and public involvement efforts.


What does the SEG do?

Build community awareness and understanding of the Palouse Basin’s groundwater supply, engage the community and build public support of and involvement in PBAC’s mission, and strengthen PBAC’s reputation and credibility as the Palouse Basin groundwater authority.


Upcoming SEG Meeting:


Water Conservation Resources

Click the images below to find more information regarding water conservation.